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How do you brush your teeth properly? 4 steps to protect it from cavities

Dental hygiene is necessary to avoid mouth infections such as tooth decay and gum disease, in addition to helping to maintain a fresh breath, although incorrect use of the brush may result in many problems in the mouth.

Experts confirmed in a report published on the Express website, that it is necessary to clean the teeth twice a day, but the wrong use of the brush may result in problems such as tooth decay or gum disease, with the need to visit your doctor every 6 months in addition to following a daily routine of dental hygiene.

Experts recommend some practices in the process of cleaning teeth:


1- Use the floss to clean your teeth:


Wrap some floss around your fingers and its face between your teeth, making sure not to miss a single tooth, so you must use it once a day at least.

2. Use of a metal dental cleaning tool:


The metal dental tool removes the plaque layer that results in oral health problems, because the bacteria in it produce acids that attack tooth enamel and cause tooth decay, as plaque also gives you bad breath and makes your teeth look yellow, so it must be removed carefully.

3. Take care to clean the tongue:


Your tongue retains a lot of bacteria that can affect your teeth, so you must clean the tongue and gently pull it from the back of your tongue to the front, so you must do this process two to three times to remove all the bacteria from your tongue.

4. Ensure the cleanliness of the toothbrush:


Ensure that the toothbrush is clean, then put toothpaste on it and brush each tooth, making sure to reach all the nooks and crannies for two minutes to ensure that it is completely clean.

